The Marion E. Martin Center
124 N. Alfred Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
After more than 50 years of occupying a small section of the Republican National Committee building and renting on Capitol Hill, the National Federation of Republican Women got a home of its own on April 1, 1992, when it moved into this historic building at 124 N. Alfred Street in Old Town Alexandria, Va.
Under the leadership of past presidents Judy Hughes, Colorado (1986-1989), and Huda Jones, Kentucky (1990-1993), the NFRW headquarters became a reality. Constructed in 1829 for a doctor and his family and listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings, the structure was discovered, renovated and redecorated between 1989 and 1990.
It includes a reception area, eight offices, a conference room, a copy room, four bathrooms, a kitchen, a storage basement and a parking driveway.
The building and its contents were purchased for $860,000. In 1993, just 367 days after going to settlement on the national headquarters, the NFRW paid the mortgage in full with contributions from state federations, local clubs and individuals.
The Federation celebrated with a mortgage burning ceremony at the spring board meeting that year, and a building fund was created to help with continuing maintenance.
In 2000, the interior of the building was refurbished through generous donations from clubs and individual members. In 2007, the building was re-named the Marion E. Martin Center in honor of our founder. In 2008, the exterior of the building was renovated with new windows, shutters, hardware and paint. The Building Renovation Project was launched to pay for the renovation.