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California Federation Announces Online Voter Registration Media Campaign, Letter Writing Campaign

California Federation Announces Online Voter Registration Media Campaign, Letter Writing Campaign
Posted: Apr 28, 2020
Categories: State Federations
Comments: 2
Author: Sue Blair

Just because California is in lock down does not mean California Federation of Republican Women members are in lock down. CFRW is finding creative ways to get Republicans elected and have our voices heard.

The Online Voter Registration Campaign is being posted once a week by our members on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, on their websites and in their newsletters. MORE POSTS = MORE AWARENESS.

The #rememberinnovember Letter Writing Campaign can be printed from the CFRW website, filled out and mailed. How easy can it be to let our state know that Republican women will not be stopped under any circumstance.

The Action Alert to help elect Mike Garcia running for Congressional District 25 can easily be done from home. Members are making calls from all over the state to get Garcia elected. CFRW appreciates the support of the National Federation of Republican Women and the Special Election Alert for CD25 candidate Mike Garcia. Federated Women across the country are making calls to get the first Republican Congressional Candidate of MANY elected in 2020.




2 comments on article "California Federation Announces Online Voter Registration Media Campaign, Letter Writing Campaign"

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