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California Federation Announces Trump Birthday Postcard Project

California Federation Announces Trump Birthday Postcard Project
Posted: May 29, 2020
Categories: State Federations
Comments: 6
Author: Sue Blair

The California Federation of Republican Women will be sending thousands of birthday postcards to President Donald J. Trump, starting June 1 until his birthday on June 14.

Instructions are linked below.


Documents to download

6 comments on article "California Federation Announces Trump Birthday Postcard Project"

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Cynthia Thacker, 5/30/2020 10:54 AM

Created by our wonderful CFRW Mary Baker. Isn't it fantastic looking! especially the top of the five. Lets send millions wishing our Pres. He gets so much grief that I feel this will brighten his day

Cynthia Thacker CFRW 3rd VP

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Roseann Slonsky-Breault, 5/30/2020 11:36 AM

I am very proud to be a member of CFRW, NFRW, the Republican Party and a citizen of the greatest country on earth! Let's honor our country and our President!

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Rachel Martin, 5/30/2020 2:47 PM

It's perfect! Kudos Mary Baker!

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Barbara Kummert, 5/30/2020 8:31 PM

fANTASTIC! I will let our FRWF members know. President Trump is a great President and gets things done for our country. It saddens me to see all the disrespect happening. All these Postcards will brighten his day.

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Nancy Hathcock, 5/31/2020 1:53 AM

The West Orange County RWF is holding a community "Bring a Birthday card for our President Trump, Saturday, June 6. All of our members are encouraged to participate in this. We are asking them to share with their Republican friends so our box will be loaded with our cards. Thank you Mary for the art work. Now I just have to print them up!

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Beatrice Restifo, 6/10/2020 1:02 PM

We all celebrate our President Donald J. Trump. Happy Birthday Mr. President. We are all rooting for you to win in November 2020.

Beatrice Restifo

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