Nine-Part Online Series: Effective Campaigning for the 2020 Cycle
July 28-October 28, 2020 (biweekly)
2pm Eastern
Zoom Virtual Event
Elections in the age of COVID-19 bring new challenges and new opportunities. Keep your campaign on track with the NFRW's online Campaign Management School. Held biweekly on Wednesdays at 2pm Eastern throughout the summer and fall, the one-hour classes will prepare you for victory in November!
Classes are $15 per session for NFRW Members (if you are a member of a local club, you are a member) and $20 for nonmembers. Even better, registration for the entire series is just $95 for members; $125 for nonmembers.
Questions, contact NFRW Political Director Terri Hauser at
- July 8, Fundraising – Direct Mail and Emails
- July 22, Fundraising – Personal Contacts
- August 5, Opposition Research
- August 19, Voter Contact – Direct Mail, Phones, Text Messaging and Other Ways To Spend Your Money
- September 2, Communications – How To Talk to the Hostile Press
- September 16, Communications – Debate Strategies
- September 30, GOTV (Get Out the Vote) – Prep Work
- October 14, GOTV (Get Out the Vote) – Early Voting and Election Day
- October 28, Crisis Management and Last-Minute Helpful Hints