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Federation Calendar

Tennessee Federation of Republican Women

Event date: 11/14/2020 Export event

Tennessee Federation of Republican Women
Posted: Oct 28, 2020
Categories: State Federations
Comments: 0

Fall Board Meeting

Saturday, November 14, 2020
Richland Country Club
1 Club Drive (off Granny White Pike)
Nashville, TN 37215

9 a.m. Central Time: Executive Committee Meeting
Elected officers Area Vice Presidents
Area VP's unable to attend should send a proxy in their place. The proxy must be an active member in good standing residing in the same Area as the Area VP. The proxy has both a voice and a vote. 

10:15 a.m. Central Time: Board of Directors Meeting
Executive Committee Standing Committee Chairs Special Committee Chairs President's Appointees
All club Presidents and TFRW members are welcome and encouraged to attend. We will elect an Area 1A Vice President at this Board Meeting. Please submit any agenda items to TFRW President Barbara Trautman no later than Monday, 9 November 2020.

11:45 a.m. Central Time: Program and Lunch
We have invited a special guest to speak about our election victories in Tennessee.

RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED no later than Saturday, 7 November 2020. Make checks payable to TFRW for $35 and mail to TFRW Treasurer Bonnie Siler, 9400 Grove View Cove, Germantown, TN 38139.

MASKS ARE REQUIRED along with social distancing. Round tables of 6 will be set.


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