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Governor Headlines IowaFRW Legislative Day

Governor Headlines IowaFRW Legislative Day
Posted: Mar 18, 2021
Categories: State Federations
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Republican Women Bestow Highest Honor Upon Governor Kim Reynolds

DES MOINES (Wednesday, March 17, 2021) – The Iowa Federation of Republican Women, during its annual Legislative Day on Tuesday, awarded Governor Kim Reynolds the Yellow Rose Award, the association’s highest distinction. In presenting the award, IowaFRW President Barbara Hames-Bryant said the Federation recognizes Iowa’s first female governor for a long list of achievements including “tirelessly working to revive our state, serving as a role model to girls and women of all ages who aspire to the highest levels of excellence in all walks of life.”

A long-time member of the IowaFRW, Governor Reynolds said, “Thank you to each and every one of you for being on the ground, working hard every day to elect Republicans and keep Iowa moving in the right direction. I am proud to stand with you as you support and promote conservative causes, efficient government and personal accountability.”

The IowaFRW Legislative Day is held each year during the legislative session, typically at the State Capitol, drawing members from across the state. This year the group moved the event to the Republican Party of Iowa headquarters, located just a few blocks from the Capitol, as many of the meeting areas of the Capitol are restricted due COVID-19.

In addition to Gov. Reynolds, the slate of speakers included Lt. Governor Adam Gregg, Secretary of State Paul Pate, Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, Senate President Jake Chapman, House Majority Leader Matt Windschitl, House Speaker Pro Tem John Wills, RPI Co-Chair and former Iowa Speaker of the House Linda Upmeyer and Iowa Young Republicans Chair Ashley Hunt, along with a host of legislators and leaders from fellow conservative groups. Upmeyer, who is the only woman to have served as Iowa Speaker, received the IowaFRW Yellow Rose Award in 2020.

Hames-Bryant said membership in IowaFRW affords women and men hands-on opportunities to connect with fellow Republicans at political and social events; promote conservative values; educate the public on current issues; and truly make a difference by working to elect Republican candidates. “We achieve these goals through collaboration, sharing of ideas, and strength in numbers,” she added.

The Federation’s next statewide event is the Spring Conference to be held in Davenport on April 17. The Iowa Federation of Republican Women ( is the premier organization for uniting the voices and values within the Republican Party, and is part of the National Federation of Republican Women, founded in 1938. The NFRW ( is the largest and most influential women’s political organization in the nation, proudly representing the party that first made it possible for women to vote in the United States, and working to increase the effectiveness and relevance of women in the cause of good government. Our mission is to recruit and elect Republican candidates, promote the principles of the Republican Party, educate the public, and inform the media.

PICTURED: IowaFRW President Barbara Hames-Bryant; Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds; and Linda Upmeyer, RPI Vice-Chair and Former Iowa Speaker of the House.

Contact: Lori Leonard Reyman


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