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Tennessee Federation Hosts 33rd Biennial Convention

Tennessee Federation Hosts 33rd Biennial Convention
Posted: Oct 26, 2021
Categories: State Federations
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NFRW 1st Vice President-Elect Vanessa LaFranco Delivers Rousing Speech on Final Night

The Tennessee Federation of Republican Women (TNFRW) hosted its 33rd Biennial Convention in Franklin, Tennessee, October 22-23.

Highlights included:

-- A smooth registration featuring creative name tags, treat-filled welcome bags and the very professional convention program
-- Friday’s Training Leaders Workshops with Chair Sharon Boreing and special presenter Vanessa LaFranco, NFRW 1st Vice President-Elect
-- Friday’s Dinner Event with Governor Bill Lee, First Lady Maria Lee and TNGOP Chair Scott Golden
-- A silent auction and hospitality room
-- Saturday Morning Session voting on Bylaws amendments
-- Election of new officers
-- A truly huge surprise presentation to President Barbara Trautman by Past President Susan Witcher and long-time friend Jennifer Little of a proclamation from the state Senate, a resolution from the TNFRW, an original sketch of the Woman’s Suffrage Monument in Centennial Park in Nashville, a gorgeous bracelet, and a gift card
-- Saturday Business Lunch spotlighting Congressman David Kustoff, Senator Bill Hagerty and Chrissy Hagerty, Congressman John Rose, Chelsea Rose, sons Guy and Sam, and Tennessee House Speaker Cameron Sexton
-- Saturday Afternoon Awards Session during which NFRW 1st Vice President-Elect Vanessa Franco presented NFRW Achievement Awards and club awards
-- Saturday Evening Dinner Event with Senator Marsha Blackburn, installation of Area Vice Presidents and elected officers for 2022-2023, and Congressman Mark Green and Cami Green. The closer was NFRW 1st Vice President-Elect Vanessa LaFranco with her rousing speech calling us to be ready for the 2022 elections to stop President Biden‘s overreaching policies.

We are so thankful for our TNFRW photographer Patti Possel for capturing all the best moments of this convention, and we are extremely thankful to our Sergeant-at-Arms for keeping everything straight.

We thank Vanessa for traveling to Tennessee. We thank our generous sponsors. We thank our Convention Committee Chair Linda Kollmann and the Convention Committee who did such outstanding work. We were truly blessed to have such a fun and memorable convention. Thank you, TNFRW members!



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