Monthly Dinner June 13, 2019
Tri Valley Republican Women extend an invitation to the club's monthly dinner buffet on June 13, 2019. Special guest speaker Rochelle Conner will address "Why Faith Matters in Today’s Culture."
America is losing her moral compass and slipping into darkness. Our Judeo-Christian foundation is being eroded through legislation, court opinions, and today's culture. As the nation marches headlong into hedonism, there is silence from the pulpit. Spiritual and religious winds are blowing and shifting us into dark and dangerous directions. Why faith matters in today’s culture is a serious examination of the spiritual battle in which we must engage, because “the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
America's Founding Fathers knew that righteousness, morality, and virtue were necessary to maintaining liberty. Pastors were bold in proclaiming the virtues of the Christian faith. They refused to be silent and pushed back against the social evils of their day with bold proclamations.
Rochelle is a wife, and has two children, five grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Her father was a pastor and military veteran of the Vietnam War. She has been active in politics and ministry for more than 25 years.
Beeb’s Sports Bar and Grill Banquet Room (At the Las Positas Golf Course)
915 Clubhouse Drive (Exit: Hwy 580 @ Airway Blvd)
Livermore, CA 94551
(925) 455-7070
Social Time: 6 :00 pm
Meeting Begins: 6:45 pm
TVRWF Members: $ 30.00; Guests: $ 35.00
Reservations due by June 11, 2019