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Club Spotlight

Women's Republican Club of Naples Federated (FL)

Women's Republican Club of Naples Federated (FL)
Posted: Jan 24, 2023
Categories: Club Spotlights
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Club Supports Rick Scott's 12 Point Plan to Rescue America

Women's Republican Club of Naples Federated, Florida, supports U.S. Senator Rick Scott's 12-point plan to save America:

1. Education · civics and school choice

2. Color Blind Equality · never need to disclose race on a government form

3. Safety and Crime · we will enforce our laws

4. Immigration · we will secure our border

5. Growth / Economy · we will grow our economy

6. Government Reform and Debt ·term limits and reduce federal government

7. Fair Fraud-Free Elections · we will protect our elections

8. Family First - we will protect the American Family

9. Genders and the Unborn - we will follow the science

10. Religious Liberty - we will protect against  woke ideologies

11. America First · ‎we are not globalists

12. Cutting Taxes · stop Congress from bankrupting America


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