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New Jersey Federation Celebrates 92nd Annual Convention & 53rd Woman of the Year

New Jersey Federation Celebrates 92nd Annual Convention & 53rd Woman of the Year
Posted: Jun 12, 2023
Categories: State Federations
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On June 3, the New Jersey Federation of Republican Women celebrated a milestone 92nd annual convention & 53rd Republican Woman of the Year event honoring Mary Chyb of Ocean County. The event was held at the premier Clark's Landing Yacht Club in Point Pleasant and was hosted by New Jersey Federation President Cyndy Gallenthin and by Noriko Kowaleski, NJFRW 1st Vice President, Ocean County Federated Republican Women's Chair and NFRW Campaign Chair and Nominating Committee member.

During the annual meeting's morning session, NJFRW's official slate of fifteen (15) new Board of Goverors and modified bylaws were unanimously adopted by credentialed members. NJFRW Standing Committee Chairs and federated County Club Chairs delivered outstanding updated reports. Theresa Kosmoski (NFRW Parliamentarian) traveled from Texas and Maria Sofia, (NFRW Youth Outreach) traveled from Maryland to provide NFRW insights to an at-capacity room of federated members. 

During the afternoon session, NJFRW's 2023 Woman of the Year, Mary Chyb, was honored with Proclamations from US Congressman Smith, from NJ Legislator Assemblyman John Catalano, and from Ocean County Commissioners Ginny Haines and Bobbi Jo Crea. Mary thanked her family members in attendance and described her many years serving the Federation as well as her local, state, and national Republican Party. Mary is a beloved member of the Ocean County Federation of Repulican Women and a recent past Board member having dedicated two (2) terms on NJFRW Board of Governors (2021-2023).

Keynote Gordon Chang (China Expert and Author) and Melanie Collette, (Ambassador, Project 21-The National Center, NJFRW Board of Governors 2022-2024) shared their respective vast experiences during the afternoon session along with Theresa Kosmoski (NFRW, Parliamentarian) and other distingished guests.

NJFRW celebrated the installation of fifteen (15) new Board members for the 2023-2025 Term:  Sharon Baxter (Cumberland); Anissa Esposito (Monmouth); Denise Gonzalez (Camden); Eve Hershkowitz (Monmouth); Jennifer Moore (Camden); Alexa Palmieri (Ocean); Mary Ann Perro (Passaic); Janet Schaefer (Gloucester); Shannon Spillane (Middlesex); Kathy Harvardansky (Middlesex); Vallerie Magory (Ocean); Lynda Pagliughi (Cape May); Kathleen (Kippy) Piedici (Somerset); Deborah Smith (Morris); and, Wanda Tranquillo (Gloucester). 

Congratulatory videos by the honorable Eileen Sobjack, NFRW President, Ronna McDaniel, RNC Chair and Dinesh D'Souza were displayed throughout the day along with a variety of virtual advertising from generous sponsors of the event.

Congratulations Mary Chyb, NJFRW 53rd Woman Of The Year, NJFRW's 2023-2025 Board of Governors and the New Jersey Federation of Republican Women on a milestone 92nd Anniversary!


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