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Club Spotlight

Harford County Republican Women (MD)

Harford County Republican Women (MD)

Club Attends Annual Red Scarf Day in Annapolis

Harford County Republican Women attended the annual Maryland Federation of Republican Women's Red Scarf Day in Annapolis on March 4. The group attended the caucus meeting and hearings, and met with legislators and MFRW members.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025/Author: Linda Stine Flint/Number of views (24)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Harford County Republican Women (MD)

Harford County Republican Women (MD)

Club Presents $1,000 Check to 2024 Essay Contest Scholarship Winner

Harford County Republican Women President Linda Stine Flint presented a $1,000 check to essay contest scholarship winner Lily Corpuz, a senior at Harford Technical High School. Lily then read her essay on a quote from Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address to club members.
Sunday, January 19, 2025/Author: Linda Stine Flint/Number of views (82)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Harford County Republican Women (MD)

Harford County Republican Women (MD)

Annual Constitution Contest Winner Featured at Monthly Luncheon

Harford County Republican Women of Maryland hosted its monthly luncheon with the presentation of the annual Constitution Contest winner.

Saturday, January 16, 2021/Author: Linda Stine Flint/Number of views (1136)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Harford County Republican Women (MD)

Harford County Republican Women (MD)

Club 'Showers' Alpha's Glory Crisis Pregnancy Center

The Harford County Republican Women from Bel AIr, Maryland, collected many much needed baby items and had a baby shower at their November 21 luncheon, with the Alpha's Glory Crisis Pregnancy Center as their guest speaker.  

Saturday, December 5, 2020/Author: Linda Stine Flint/Number of views (1310)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights