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Club Spotlight

Canyon County Republican Women's Club (ID)

Canyon County Republican Women's Club (ID)

Idaho Federation President and Past President Donate to Festival of Trees

Idaho Federation President Tracey Wasden and IFRW Past President Shirlayne Corder, both members of Canyon County Republican Women's Club, decorated a festive porch for the Canyon County Festival of Trees. This organization donates money to Meals on Wheels, which provides meals for local seniors.  

Friday, December 8, 2023/Author: Tracey Wasden/Number of views (197)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights

Canyon County Republican Women's Club (ID)

Club Donates to Canyon County Festival of Trees for Meals on Wheels

Canyon County Republican Women of Idaho donated a "Christmas Tree Front Porch" to the Festival of Trees for the club's major fundraiser of the year. The Festival of Trees donates all the money they raise to Meals on Wheels which delivers meals to seniors in Canyon County.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022/Author: Tracey Wasden/Number of views (305)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights

Canyon County Rebublican Women (ID)

Club Donates Over 50 Baskets to First Responders in Community

On September 7, Canyon County Republican Women of Idaho gathered to undertake a 9/11 service project to benefit first responders in the community.

Saturday, September 11, 2021/Author: Tracey Wasden/Number of views (731)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights