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Club Spotlight

Triangle Republican Women (NC) on Parade

Triangle Republican Women (NC) on Parade

Triangle Republican Women of North Carolina found an enthusiastic crowd in the Bahama Christmas Parade.

Sunday, December 8, 2019/Author: Patricia LaPaglia/Number of views (2069)/Comments (3)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Triangle Republican Women, North Carolina

Triangle Republican Women, North Carolina

New Goals for a New Year!

With almost 50 members, the Triangle Republican Women of North Carolina have big plans for 2018. The Triangle Republican Women ended 2017 with an exciting visit from NCGOP Vice-Chair, Michele Nix and will welcome 2018 with the candidate for NC District 1, Roger Allison. This year, the ladies of TRW are committed to continuing to expand their reach on multiple social media platforms, setting new "GRIT" goals for club members, reaching a new rise goal, and promoting conservative women in leadership across the state and beyond. There is work to be done and TRW is ready to lead the way. Follow us on Facebook or attend one of our monthly meetings


Monday, January 1, 2018/Author: Patricia LaPaglia/Number of views (3473)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights