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Club Spotlight

Republican Women of Wickenburg (AZ)

Republican Women of Wickenburg (AZ)

Club Donates to Arizona TARS for DC Summer Trip

Republican Women of Wickenburg, Arizona, presented the Arizona Teenage Republican Students (TARS) with a check for $1,000 so they can attend the TARS National Conference in Washington DC this July.

Friday, June 30, 2023/Author: Denise Johnson/Number of views (310)/Comments (1)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Osage County Republican Women (KS)

Osage County Republican Women (KS)

Club Honored for Outstanding Back the Blue Campaign

Osage County Republican Women (OCRW) of Kansas was honored for its outstanding Back the Blue campaign during a public forum with the Osage County Sheriff's Office.
Thursday, June 22, 2023/Author: Laurel Stiffler/Number of views (324)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Wood County Republican Women's Club (OH)

Wood County Republican Women's Club (OH)

Club Celebrates Seven Years Since Recharter, Awards Five Scholarships Totaling $4,000

Wood County Republican Women's Club of Ohio celebrated its 7th anniversary since its recharter and awarded five scholarships, totaling $4,000, to five female high school graduates.

Thursday, June 22, 2023/Author: Beverley Hirzel/Number of views (359)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Saline County Republican Women (KS)

Saline County Republican Women (KS)

Club Celebrates Flag Day with Snacks to LEO

On Flag Day, Salina County Repubican Women of Kansas delivered snacks decorated in red, white and blue to the Salina Police Depatment and Saline County Sheriff's Department to say thank you for all they do in our community.

Saturday, June 17, 2023/Author: Brenda Smith/Number of views (252)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Salado Area Republican Women (TX)

Salado Area Republican Women (TX)

16th Annual Fundraiser Boasts Record Crowd and Contributions

Two hundred people enjoyed the 16th annual Fine China Luncheon and Fundraiser hosted by the Salado Area Republican Women on June 6. The event boasted a record crowd and a record fundraising haul. Steve Munisteri, Senior Advisor to Governor Abbott, was the guest speaker.

Friday, June 16, 2023/Author: Brenda Howard/Number of views (276)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights