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Club Spotlight

Atlantic County Federated Republican Women (NJ)

Atlantic County Federated Republican Women (NJ)

Club Honors First NJFRW Associate of the Year, Congressman Van Drew

Atlantic County Federated Republican Women is pleased to recognize Congressman Jeff Van Drew, who received the New Jersey Federation of Republican Women's first ever Associate Member of the Year Award for his work as the state chairman of President Donald Trump's New Jersey campaign.

Sunday, February 23, 2025/Author: Cynthia Gallenthin/Number of views (49)/Comments (1)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Onslow County Republican Women’s Club (NC)

Onslow County Republican Women’s Club (NC)

Club Members Attend NCFRW Winter Meeting

On February 8 and 9, the officers and several members of the Onslow County Republican Women’s Club attended the North Carolina Federation of Women’s Winter Board of Directors Meeting in Greenville.

Friday, February 21, 2025/Author: Misty Nagy/Number of views (56)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Republican Women of Central Oklahoma (OK)

Republican Women of Central Oklahoma (OK)

Club's Trump Store Delivers Funds, Friends, and Fun

During the 2024 election cycle, the Oklahoma GOP invited the ladies of the Republican Women of Central Oklahoma (RWCOK) to open a "Trump Store" at the State Headquarters building in Oklahoma City.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025/Author: Beth Cupp/Number of views (77)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Republican Women of Williamson County (TN)

Republican Women of Williamson County (TN)

Club Celebrates Inauguration's Golden Age of America

Just days after President Trump's historic inauguration, Republican Women of Williamson County welcomed "Trump's Golden Age of America" at the monthly luncheon, with golden crowns, star-strewn tables, gold drapes, and music - "YMCA," of course.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025/Author: Debbie Ballard/Number of views (52)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Canyon Lake Republican Women (TX)

Canyon Lake Republican Women (TX)

Club Presents Valentine’s Day Baskets to First Responders of Canyon Lake Fire and EMS

Friday, February 14, 2025/Author: Jan Hunt/Number of views (54)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights