As part of our education and outreach initiative to include more like-minded Spanish-speaking women and men, Novato Republican Women Federated of California recently completed its "Republian Values" pamphlet.
On June 6, West Orange County Republican Women Federated of California set up a table on Los Alamitos Boulevard with birthday cards to President Trump.
Cherry Creek Republican Women in Arapahoe County, Colorado, received the Judy Huges Membership Award in recognition of achieving a 7 percent membership increase in 2018-2019 for clubs with 100-plus membership.
Arrowhead Republican Women was able to reach and surprise some of their members by posting “hug” signs in their yards.
At the May 18, 2020, meeting of the Board of Supervisors, a proclamation was read aloud and presented to Starr Chapman and Angie Kothmann, representing Republican Women of Hancock County, Mississippi.