Recognizes Rosie, Members for Playing Significant Role in Securing Victories
ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Carrie Almond, President of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), issued the following statement regarding the results of the 2016 election.
"We've reached our destination! Welcome to your new White House home, President-Elect Donald J. Trump and First Lady-to-be Melania Trump! Rosie and the women of the National Federation of Republican Women are thrilled to have played a significant role in your long, arduous, but exhilarating and inspirational journey to victory.
"With Republican victories in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, we are assured that the goals that have been set to right the wrongs of the past eight years and to restore a government that will keep our country strong, bring back an economy that will restore jobs and regain our standing as the preeminent country in the world will be met.
"As the largest grassroots women's political organization in the country, the NFRW pledges its continued support to GOP candidates and elected officials in the pursuit of good governance at every level. We are proud of the hard work and the thousands of volunteer hours of our members that contributed to this moment."
Founded in 1938, the NFRW proudly represents the party that first made it possible for women to vote in the U.S. Today, the NFRW works to increase the effectiveness and relevance of women in the cause of good government. Our mission remains to recruit and elect Republican candidates, promote the principles of the Republican Party, educate the public and inform the media.
For more information about the NFRW, visit