By Ann Schockett, NFRW President
Whether or not our world is getting better and even though our President is staying the good course, Democrat leadership along with the news media will try to make us think they aren't. Truth is being chased away by a tsunami of fake news and false accusations by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer and others and through the “Confused News Networks” (like CNN, etc.). But with our vigilance to remain calm and seek out the truth, We the People will right this wrong now and in November!
While the world has changed dramatically during the coronavirus pandemic, progress in this crisis has been, so far, a testament to American resilience and the people’s voluntary cooperation with sound advice. One could only have hoped that the Democrats and the media would have put aside partisan politics and not stirred the pot. Sadly, some of our elected officials cannot control themselves while many in the news are being controlled, in turn, and controlling others. The result? Distortions, statements out of context, and fear and hate mongering.
In a word: irresponsible. In another word: dangerous.
Their favorite target, of course: Republicans, headed by President Donald J. Trump.
Let’s look at the coronavirus. In January, President Trump acted to slow the spread of the virus with travel restrictions on China, and was criticized by Democrats and media. Ignoring the President’s strong early actions, in February, Politico reported the false narrative that, “Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax,’” and off the Democrats and the media ran with this ball of mistruths as a foundation on which to build more lies.
I’ll not forget my birthday on March 5 when the media misstated that the President was telling people who were sick to go work! False stories built up quickly starting with a baseless claim by former Vice President Biden and the media that President Trump was blocking virus testing. They have compared our President to the Communist regime rulers, falsely reported that Trump told governors that their states are on their own getting medical equipment, stated that he wanted to control the production of a vaccine, and, the piece de resistance, that he was guilty of homicide for his handling of the crisis.
Severe cruelty was bound to rear its ugly head and target not only Republicans and our President but also our First Lady. The all-time low came when referring to her public health announcements as BeInfected. Absurdity entered when the media implied that the death of a person who ingested fish tank cleaner and not Chloroquine was Trump’s fault – but this fake news story did get a heck of a lot of likes and tweets!
We need to become not only disgusted with this but also angry. And, I believe a majority of the American people are! That’s the good news. They are seeing that Republicans under the leadership of President Trump are working hard to bring relief, on all fronts, to our country. We are being informed of the progress in real time, arming us with facts to counter all the false reports.
Truth shall prevail. And in President Trump’s words, “America will prevail!”
Ann Schockett was elected president of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) at the 40th Biennial Convention in Indianapolis and took office in January 2020. Founded in 1938, the NFRW is the largest grassroots Republican women’s organization in the nation. NFRW provides a forum for women to serve as leaders in the political, government, and civic arenas. NFRW objectives are to recruit, train and elect Republican candidates, promote the principles of the Republican Party, educate the public and protect the integrity of our electoral process.