From the NFRW Agriculture Subcommittee
The National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) has a priority this year of holding lawmakers accountable and shining a spotlight on unreasonable or burdensome regulations. The agriculture industry has been hard hit by government regulations at many levels, and the impact of these regulations made worse by COVID-19.
One possible solution is the PRIME Act (Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption Act) proposed by Rep. Thomas Massie (H.R.2859) and Sen. Rand Paul (S.1620) of Kentucky. This bill will help the national meat supply chain problems that have been caused during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Massie's bill states that if the farmer, the processor and the consumer are in the same state and the product does not cross state lines, the USDA does not need to regulate these processors too. These small meat processors already are complying with city laws, and county and state regulations.
As an example, a small meat processing facility may only have a dozen employees. The small guy is regulated the same as a company that could have a thousand employees. The big meat processors want to make sure that the USDA never eases up the regulations placed on the smaller meat processors. The lobbyist for these "Big Four" meat processing companies want these regulations and more applied to the smaller processors. These increased regulations keep the small meat processors from competing.
WHY does the small meat processor need the same regulations as those placed on these "Big Four" meat processing companies? These companies slaughter and process thousands of animals on a daily basis, and the products are shipped all over the world.
Small producers in agriculture feel the pressure of the rules and regulations as they are trying to recover from these hard economic times.
Web Results
PRIME Act (H.R. 2859) › congress › bills
May 21, 2019 - To amend the Federal Meat Inspection Act to exempt from inspection the slaughter of ... Representative for Kentucky's 4th congressional district. ... “Representatives Massie and Pingree Introduce Bipartisan PRIME Act to ... You're more than a vote, so support GovTrack today with a tip of any amount:.
Jul 10, 2020 - What the PRIME Act Is And How It Could Help Small Farmers ... package that meat, now I've got 400 pounds of hamburger and some steaks. ... Northern Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie's (R-4) Processing Revival and ...
Congressman Thomas Massie - Congressman Massie .... › RepThomasMassie › videos › cong...
May 6, 2020 - Congressman Massie Interview with Hey Kentucky 5/6/20 ... regulations on American farmers and processors by passing the PRIME Act now.
US - Thomas Massie | BillTrack50 › LegislatorDetail
Thomas Massie - (R) United States US Representative - Kentucky District 4 ... Working to Integrate Networks Guaranteeing Member Access Now Act This bill directs ... HR2859, PRIME Act Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption Act ...
Amid Covid-19 bottleneck in meat industry, PRIME Act gains ... › ag_insider › amid-covid-19-bottleneck-in...
Jun 3, 2020 - Chellie Pingree, a Maine Democrat, who sponsored the bill alongside Rep. Thomas Massie, a Republican from Kentucky, in a letter to House ...