Award for Excellence in Teaching
At Palo Verde Republican Women's June Luncheon, Tamara DuBois was presented the Dr. C. T. and Mary Wright Excellence in Teaching Award – named for two local leaders in education advocacy and community service.
With much humor and grace, Tamara provided insight into some of the new, unexpected, and ever-changing demands facing teachers during this challenging year. There were many wide-ranging issues to address, from curriculum to areas of mental health and social concerns.
A Summa Cum Laude graduate of ASU and third grade teacher with strong Republican values, Tamara was selected for this award based on her commitment to teaching. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated an infectious energy and enthusiasm for students of all abilities - instilling in them a love of learning.
In addition to academics, Tamara has inspired her students to raise funds for tree-planting, participate in Shoebox Ministries and respect endangered animals by adopting turtles, whales and even a snake. She has demonstrated conservative beliefs of self-reliance, freedom, and independence while serving as a Student Council sponsor and member of the Superintendent's Faculty Advisory Committee.
Tamara's name in nomination has been submitted to the Arizona Federation of Republican Women for their Teacher of the Year award. A state winner will be announced at the Biennial Convention in October.