The Wyoming Federation of Republican Women gathered at the State Capitol in Cheyenne in February for Legislative Day.
During the 67th Legislature session, WFRW met with Senators, Representatives, Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Auditor, State Treasurer and Secretary of State officer.
The statewide electeds gave us an update on legislation they are supporting, and they stated they would enjoy coming to our county groups to speak.
It was great to catch up with friends from around the Cowboy State and hear about issues and successes.
WFRW welcomes our newest club to Cheyenne: Laramie County Republican Women.
A special thanks to Wyoming Republican Party Chairman Eathorne for the delicious breakfast and lattes at The Railyard Coffee Haus & Eatery.
Important date: Mark you calendar for the WFRW State Convention, October 26-27, 2023 in Casper.