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Federation News

Military Caregiver Month

Military Caregiver Month
Posted: May 7, 2023
Categories: Committees
Comments: 2

From the NFRW Armed Services Committee

During May, we recognize those in the military who are caregiving for loved ones and those individuals or families who are providing care for our wounded and ill military veterans. 

The advances in medicine that enables more wounded service members to be treated quicker and the deadly technology that results in a larger number of casualties with severe wounds (many with the loss of limbs) have contributed to the rising need for more caregivers. It is estimated that approximately 5 million individuals are providing care for about 2 million military veterans.

This is not a federal holiday event and should not be confused with the National Caregiver Month celebrated in November, when the Department of Veterans Affairs formally recognizes those who care for our wounded military.

It is a time to say “thank you” to those who are supporting our wounder service members, many of whom do not feel they are caregivers. There are many ways to help these individuals. Volunteer at your local VA Hospital; offer individuals time to sit with their injured love ones so they can have a little free time, or offer to run errands for them; donate your time or dollars to Wounder Warriors or Tunnels 2 Towers as they work to give back to our wounded service members. 

As the saying goes, “Freedom isn’t free.” Many give a large sacrifice in support of our nation.



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