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Federation News

Arizona Federation Members Honored at AZGOP Chairman's Awards Dinner

Arizona Federation Members Honored at AZGOP Chairman's Awards Dinner

On January 26, at its annual Chairman’s Awards Dinner, the Arizona Republican Party recognized the following members of the Arizona Federation Republican Women as being leading conservative activists in the State. 
· Huachuca Area RW named Most Outstanding Republican Club in the State, from among 100 clubs
· Jeni White (Chandler RW) received the Outstanding Party Worker of the Year Award
· Former NFRW President Rae Chornenky was recognized as Arizona’s Outstanding Legislative District Chairman 
· Connie Sunday (Ahwatukee RW) awarded Rookie of the Year
· Sandra Laney (Yavapai County RW) awarded Best County Worker
Wednesday, January 31, 2018/Author: Loraine Pellegrino/Number of views (4043)/Comments (0)/
Categories: State Federations
Reminder: Make Sure You Count All Your Campaign Volunteer Hours

Reminder: Make Sure You Count All Your Campaign Volunteer Hours

Awards Forms Due in June

This is an update reminder to go back, examine your calendars, and collect all of your Campaign Volunteer Hours from July 1, 2015, and all the extraordinary amount of hours earned in 2016, and to continue counting your hours for 2017.  

Friday, April 28, 2017/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (5334)/Comments (1)/
Categories: ArticlesCommittees
