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Governor Headlines IowaFRW Legislative Day

Governor Headlines IowaFRW Legislative Day

Republican Women Bestow Highest Honor Upon Governor Kim Reynolds

The Iowa Federation of Republican Women, during its annual Legislative Day on Tuesday, awarded Governor Kim Reynolds the Yellow Rose Award, the association’s highest distinction. In presenting the award, IowaFRW President Barbara Hames-Bryant said the Federation recognizes Iowa’s first female governor for a long list of achievements including “tirelessly working to revive our state, serving as a role model to girls and women of all ages who aspire to the highest levels of excellence in all walks of life.”

Thursday, March 18, 2021/Author: Barbara Hames-Bryant/Number of views (1387)/Comments (0)/
Categories: State Federations
Iowa Federation of Republican Women Advancing Mission, Adjusting Methods, During COVID Crisis

Iowa Federation of Republican Women Advancing Mission, Adjusting Methods, During COVID Crisis

On the front lines advancing conservative causes: Barbara Hames-Bryant, IowaFRW president

The Iowa Federation of Republican Women, a conservative group of women on a mission, continues its work to elect Republicans while following health proclamations issued by Governor Kim Reynolds during the COVID-19 crisis. “Our commitment is strong, our work continues, and we remain on the front lines advancing conservative causes and getting out the vote for Republicans running for office,” said Barbara Hames-Bryant, IowaFRW president.

Thursday, April 9, 2020/Author: Barbara Hames-Bryant/Number of views (1369)/Comments (3)/
Categories: State Federations
