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Arkansas Federation Shows Strong Women Get Things Done

Arkansas Federation Shows Strong Women Get Things Done

State Did Not Become RED Overnight

Arkansas did not become a RED state overnight. It took decades of hard work by Republicans who were conservative when Arkansas was a BLUE state and being openly conservative had serious financial and social repercussions. The WOMEN of the Republican Party played an ESSENTIAL role in growing the party in this state. It is because of their efforts that a solid foundation was laid in Arkansas to build a party with strong principles and a platform that is a winning strategy. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021/Author: Sharon Stuthard/Number of views (1012)/Comments (0)/
Categories: State Federations
Arkansas Federation Member Makes Convention History With Grandson

Arkansas Federation Member Makes Convention History With Grandson

Both Elected as Delegates to Republican National Convention

This grandmother-grandson duo will make history by casting their vote in nomination of President Donald J. Trump for another landmark victory this November.  

Tuesday, June 30, 2020/Author: Sharon Stuthard/Number of views (2238)/Comments (0)/
