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Federation News

Kentucky Federation Requests Donations For Flood Relief Efforts

Kentucky Federation Requests Donations For Flood Relief Efforts

With at least three members suffering the loss of homes in the recent flooding in Eastern Kentucky, the Kentucky Federation of Republican Women has been working on flood relief efforts for the Appalachian Region and has set up a PayPal donation page for contributions.


Wednesday, August 3, 2022/Author: Pamela Roberts/Number of views (504)/Comments (0)/
Categories: State Federations
Your Generosity Will Not Be Forgotten

Your Generosity Will Not Be Forgotten

Kentucky Thanks Federation Members for Thousands of Dollars in Tornado Relief Donations

On behalf of the members of the Kentucky Federation of Republican Women, thank you for your generosity, your kindness but most of all your love in friendship. Together, we can, and we will, overcome what life can bring our way because we choose to be sisters even in midst of catastrophic events.

Thursday, April 14, 2022/Author: Pamela Roberts/Number of views (1063)/Comments (1)/
Categories: State Federations
