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Federation News

Teach Your Children Well

Teach Your Children Well

By NFRW President Ann Schockett

In the latest round of the cultural wars, schools are being used by woke activists and the far-left ideologues at the National Education Association (NEA) to push Critical Race Theory (CRT). This dangerous pedagogy seeks to divide and weaken America, claiming that only a dismantling of American society and its institutions can reverse our nation’s bigoted underpinnings.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (3722)/Comments (3)/
Categories: ArticlesIssues
Palo Verde Republican Women (AZ)

Palo Verde Republican Women (AZ)

Award for Excellence in Teaching

At Palo Verde Republican Women's June Luncheon, Tamara DuBois was presented the Dr. C. T. and Mary Wright Excellence in Teaching Award – named for two local leaders in education advocacy and community service.

Monday, July 26, 2021/Author: Jini Simpson/Number of views (1662)/Comments (3)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
San Clemente Area Republican Women Federated (CA)

San Clemente Area Republican Women Federated (CA)

'Operation Baby Shower' Drive-Thru Style

On May 27, San Clemente Area Republican Women Federated held its annual Operation Baby Shower at Camp Pendleton, the world’s largest amphibious military base which houses over 6,000 Marine families in 22 communities. Due to COVID restrictions, the club hosted a drive-thru rather than an in-person shower for expectant military families.

Sunday, July 25, 2021/Author: Susan St. Peters/Number of views (1227)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
East Baton Rouge Parish Republican Women (LA)

East Baton Rouge Parish Republican Women (LA)

July Luncheon Features Speaker on How Americans Can Defeat Critical Race Theory

The East Baton Rouge Parish Republican Women welcomed as their July luncheon speaker Kendall Qualls, founder and president of TakeCharge.

Friday, July 23, 2021/Author: Debbie Kuehne/Number of views (984)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
Republican Women of Worcester County (MD)

Republican Women of Worcester County (MD)

Club Hosts Meet & Greet

Republican Women of Worcester County, Maryland, hosted an invitational meet & greet reception on the afternoon of May 15th for registered Republican women who live in the central part of our county.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021/Author: Elizabeth Rodier/Number of views (1108)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Club Spotlights
