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Federation News

Gold Star Spouses Day, April 5th

Gold Star Spouses Day, April 5th

From the NFRW Armed Services Committee

Starting in World War II, families would hang a blue star in their window signifying they had a loved one in the service. If the loved one died, the star would change to gold. Founded in 1945, Gold Star Spouse enhances financial benefits for U.S. military spouses and families, as well as brings together those who are enduring the same hardship.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022/Author: Cecilia Tyler/Number of views (486)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Committees
Arab American Service Members Serve Our Nation Proudly

Arab American Service Members Serve Our Nation Proudly

From the NFRW Armed Services Committee

April is Arab American History Month. Arab Americans have honorably served the United States from the Revolutionary War until the present.

Friday, April 1, 2022/Author: Cecilia Tyler/Number of views (431)/Comments (4)/
Categories: Committees
Vietnam War Veterans Day, March 29th

Vietnam War Veterans Day, March 29th

From the NFRW Armed Services Committee

The United States of American Vietnam War Commemoration honors all veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time from November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975, whether having served in-country or not. Vietnam War Veterans Day was officially established in 2017 by President Donald J. Trump when he signed into law The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 designating in perpetuity March 29 as the day to honor these military veterans.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022/Author: Cecilia Tyler/Number of views (861)/Comments (10)/
Categories: Committees
New Hampshire Federation Hosts Historic Annual Brunch

New Hampshire Federation Hosts Historic Annual Brunch

Advisory Board Discusses Election Strategy, Goals for Upcoming Term

At its annual brunch, the New Hampshire FRW Advisory Board discussed strategy for electing members in the 2022 midterms, goals for the upcoming term and ideas to educate, engage and empower Republican women statewide.
Sunday, March 27, 2022/Author: Elizabeth Girard/Number of views (726)/Comments (0)/
Categories: State Federations
Medal of Honor National Day, March 25th

Medal of Honor National Day, March 25th

From the NFRW Armed Services Committee

On March 25, we honor those service members recognized for their heroism with the Medal of Honor. The Medal of Honor is our nation’s highest military decoration for valor and is the only military decoration worn around the neck.

Friday, March 25, 2022/Author: Cecilia Tyler/Number of views (732)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Committees
