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Federation News

Remembering Pearl Harbor: U.S. Must Stay Vigilant to Both Foreign, Domestic Terrorists

Remembering Pearl Harbor: U.S. Must Stay Vigilant to Both Foreign, Domestic Terrorists

From the NFRW Armed Services Committee

The attack on Pearl Harbor shows how a country can transition from peace and tranquility in a matter of seconds, just like 20 years ago on September 11, 2001.  It is only when our military remains prepared and vigilant that we are a strong deterrent against those who wish us harm.  We must be alert to subversion from within our borders, whether by a foreign or domestic enemy. 

Monday, December 6, 2021/Author: Cecilia Tyler/Number of views (1193)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Committees
Oklahoma Federation Celebrates 80th Year at Biennial Convention

Oklahoma Federation Celebrates 80th Year at Biennial Convention

2022-2023 Officers Elected, Installed

The Oklahoma Federation of Republican Women celebrated its 80th anniversary at its biennial convention. Officers for 2022-2023 also were elected during the event.

Saturday, November 13, 2021/Author: Lorie Legere/Number of views (1086)/Comments (1)/
Categories: State Federations
Support Our Veterans Today and Every Day

Support Our Veterans Today and Every Day

From the NFRW Armed Services Committee

This year our veterans need to hear that their service is appreciated, especially after the debacle of pulling out of Afghanistan. Reach out and thank veterans you know …  today and every day.


Thursday, November 11, 2021/Author: Cecilia Tyler/Number of views (1288)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Committees
Washington Federation Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Washington Federation Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Washington Federation of Republican Women celebrated its 75th anniversary at the Board of Directors Meeting in October. The event featured a party with cake and a story board presented by Treasurer Cindy Kadinger, plus special guest, NFRW 1st Vice President-Elect Vanessa LaFranco.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021/Author: Billie Jean Liedahl/Number of views (1125)/Comments (0)/
Categories: State Federations
Republican Women Play Key Role in Virginia Victory

Republican Women Play Key Role in Virginia Victory

NFRW strike forces served on the front lines in this battle for the heart and soul of the USA.

Ann Schockett, President of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), issued the following statement on the Virginia 2021 election.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (1275)/Comments (3)/
Categories: NewsNews Releases
