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In Final Debate, President Trump Vigorously Contrasts His Proven Achievements With Biden's Record of Failure

In Final Debate, President Trump Vigorously Contrasts His Proven Achievements With Biden's Record of Failure

NFRW President: "Donald Trump is fighting for us, and we Republican women are fighting for him!"

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – In the second and final 2020 Presidential Debate, President Donald Trump clearly and convincingly demonstrated that nothing can stop him from standing up for the American people. Despite a partisan debate moderator and a biased debate commission that changed the rules at the eleventh hour to benefit Joe Biden, the President easily proved that he not only has kept his promises with historic accomplishments but also is protecting our country’s future by leading the Great American Comeback and keeping our nation safe.

Thursday, October 22, 2020/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (3622)/Comments (0)/
Categories: NewsNews Releases
Republican Women to Watch in 2020: Lauren Boebert

Republican Women to Watch in 2020: Lauren Boebert

Republican Nominee for U.S. Congress, Colorado's 3rd District

Lauren Boebert has proved she is a natural leader by publicly challenging Beto O'Rouke's position on gun rights and by gathering more than 229,000 signatures on a citizen petition calling for the repeal of her state's participation in the National Popular Vote. As the GOP nominee for Colorado's 3rd congressional district, she vows to put far-left Democrats back in their place.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (4405)/Comments (0)/
Categories: ProfilesCandidates
Barrett Will Advocate for the Cornerstone That Makes America Great -- Our Constitution

Barrett Will Advocate for the Cornerstone That Makes America Great -- Our Constitution

The National Federation of Republican Women believes that the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court is more than just a judicial appointment. We know it is about the future of America and whether Americans will continue to live under the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution.

Friday, October 16, 2020/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (4173)/Comments (1)/
Categories: ArticlesCommittees
Republican Women to Watch in 2020: Victoria Spartz

Republican Women to Watch in 2020: Victoria Spartz

Republican Nominee for U.S. Congress, Indiana's 5th District

Growing up in Ukraine, Victoria Spartz experienced firsthand the dark side of socialism. This molded her conservative political philosophy – limited government is always better, and financial and healthcare decisions should be made by individuals in the free market, not by bureaucrats and special interests.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (2169)/Comments (1)/
Categories: ProfilesCandidates
Vice President Pence Wins Every Area of Debate by Exposing Biden-Harris Deceptions

Vice President Pence Wins Every Area of Debate by Exposing Biden-Harris Deceptions

Pence was the clear victor and an incredibly strong voice for the Trump administration’s remarkable achievements.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Ann Schockett, President of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), issued this statement following the 2020 Vice Presidential Debate between Vice President Mike Pence and his opponent Senator Kamala Harris.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020/Author: NFRW Communications/Number of views (962)/Comments (0)/
Categories: NewsNews Releases
