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Week of March 3, 2025

Week of March 3, 2025
Posted: Feb 27, 2025
Categories: Poll Questions
Comments: 7

Topic: $5 Million 'Trump Gold Card' As Route to U.S. Citizenship

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President Trump is considering issuing a $5 million "Trump Gold Card" as a route to U.S. citizenship. Do you support this?

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7 comments on article "Week of March 3, 2025"

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Neva J. Rathbun, 3/1/2025 12:37 AM

Would the Trump gold Cards be issued to would be citizens in smaller increments than $5 million to each new citizen. I have not understood the routing to U.S. citizenship. I'd appreciate more clarification in the routing aspect of this possible consideration.


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Margeaux Holland, 3/1/2025 10:48 AM

I have to say on this initiative I do not agree to the Gold Card. Instinctively, in our minds we think "pay to play" which in truth, is woven into many sectors of life. But, this is not a good look. It is like a membership to Mar-a-Lago. Maybe that is the unknowing business schematic he is looking to....the membership. If we are a free and democratic/Republican society then this Card will certainly bring disgruntalment and in the long term, dissention in the hearts of many. I say no. I could go on .

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Jennifer Nelson, 3/1/2025 10:55 AM

As long as they are also here to start a business and hire Americans.

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Jan Hunt, 3/2/2025 9:10 AM

It sounds like a fast track way to balance the budget, however it could allow only rich drug cartel members into the country, while passing over good immigrants who would become loyal American citizens. Reorganize the immigration agency and process legitimate applicants more efficiently. Get rid of employees not doing their job.

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Bianca Signorelli, 3/2/2025 9:33 AM

No, I do not support. Do not believe all the wording around it is given to us. It's not just a gold card citizenship their are tax implications. Also no matter what economic level you are in the same criteria for citizenship should be met.

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Mary Drake, 3/2/2025 3:50 PM

American citizenship is NOT for sale. To imply that "wealthy" individuals could BUY citizenship sends the wrong message! Citizenship is to be treasured, not sold to the highest bidder.

I applaud the President and Congress actually discussing ways to reduce and control the debt. Surely there are other creative means to do this in addition to eliminating excessive waste and fraud!

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Gerard, 3/3/2025 7:41 AM

He beter helps more people to vote. And stop this policy of the Republican Party.

It is easier and it cost a lot less money.

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