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Week of August 26, 2019

Week of August 26, 2019
Posted: Aug 29, 2019
Categories: Poll Questions
Comments: 62

Topic: President Trump's Criticism of Fox News

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President Trump is criticizing FOX News, saying that the network "isn't working for us anymore." Do you agree with the President's criticism?

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62 comments on article "Week of August 26, 2019"

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Virginia Webb, 8/30/2019 4:06 PM

It's good to have some opposition so there can be good discussions so we in the filed can be ready for those arguments and have the answers to combat them!

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Liliane Nava, 8/30/2019 4:46 PM

I would say that the President has a point. For a couple of years FoxNews "fair and balance" opinions of the guests invited to represent the opposition side are more detracting than helping, especially when they are the last ones to make their statements. So, when certain anchors are on, like Chris Wallace, Sheppard Smith, Bill Hemmer, or guests like Juan William and Donna Brazile, I switch the channel (I miss a lot, specially The Five). I don't see them adding to the discussion because their crazy statements are annoying. Poor decision from the programmers or CEO.

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Jan, 8/30/2019 4:46 PM

Trump is correct that Fox News has changed. There are now hosts who the hour criticizing Trump from beginning to end, and sometimes quoting Trump falsely to cast him in a negative light. Shephard Smith is so anti-Trump that he cannot be fair and balanced. Of course, there are others who support Trump in all things, so the two offset each other.

Fox has definitely made a shift to the left, and I believe this is what Trump was referring to. I understand his frustration that the one network that has been fair to him now seems to be following in the footsteps of the other networks, If they continue down that path, there will be none that will give Trump fair coverage.

However, politically, it was a mistake for Trump to say what he did. It gives the impression that Trump believes that Fox is "his" network, and will only report stories favorable to him. Fox, of course, does not work for Trump. I believe that his comment will result in even more negative coverage from Fox hosts as they try to show that Trump does not dictate their coverage.

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Vi Nace, 8/30/2019 5:01 PM

If I want to listen to Dems, I will turn on CNN, NBC, etc. I watch Fox to get the conservative ideas on what is going on.

When there is a panel, with known Dems on it, I have to buzz through I do the commercials! I am paying for cable, to hear the conservative view!

Fox should pay attention that I can also get "ONE AMERICA NEWS"!

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Carolyn Webb, 8/30/2019 5:14 PM

I only watch Fox for the conservative news that I appreciate, but they have changed some in the last couple years. So, when certain anchors are on, like Chris Wallace, Sheppard Smith, Bill Hemmer, or guests like Juan William and Donna Brazile, I switch the channel (I miss a lot, specially The Five). I don't see them adding to the discussion because their crazy statements are annoying. Poor decision from the programmers or CEO. I copied part of this from another person who commented because it is exactly like I feel.

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Terri Streeter, 8/30/2019 5:31 PM

I am very disappointed in the changes at Fox News and have cut my viewing time of the station. They have added too many liberal democrats to the station that they are not much different than CNN, MSNBC, or NBC, or CBS. I have found One America News OAN to be more accurate and news worthy. It’s a shame that conservatives don’t stick together better. I hope the few conservatives that are still on Fox remain.

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Martha Henry, 8/30/2019 8:27 PM

For the most part I feel that the folks on Fox support the President. I don't care for Shepherd Smith at all I feel he is very biased against our President. Neal Cavuto seems to be against him at times but I think he is kind of a negative type person period. The hosts on the morning shows seem to be more for the President. I guess we can't have it perfect can we?

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Carolyn Besselman, 8/30/2019 9:43 PM

I do see some opposition to the President, especially from Shepherd Smith. He is terrible.

Most are OK, however.

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June Gildersleeve, 8/31/2019 12:15 AM

Lately, we have turned to One America News Network. Fox News anchors have turned me off. Mike Wallace can't wait to slam President Trump and Shep Smith turned me off years ago. I am fed up with Juan Williams and Donna Brazile causes me to turn off the TV. Unfortunately, the younger generation has put their liberal stamp on the station and since OAN is available, why not switch!

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Caren LULICH, 8/31/2019 12:25 PM

I am disappointed with Fox News lately. Since the owners sons have taken over, there are more liberal talking points. Juan Williams has turned into a nasty person, every day. I saw Sandra Smith with the Dem gal President Trump mentioned. He is correct, she just went on and on and was never questioned on anything she said. She was on again a few days later. The excuse for Shep Smith is that he is a "commentator", not a news person. If Fox keeps it up, they will lose viewers.

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Isabel Hogue, 8/31/2019 5:18 PM

I think this is the wrong question - "Do you agree with the President's criticism?"

First, what exactly did the President mean by the network "not working for us."

Did he mean it is not "employed by us" or is not "useful to us?" (And who, exactly, is "us?")

Second, There is no "News!" There is only the narrative put forward to protect and serve the business interests of the Internationalist Corporate owners and their political sycophants.

Third, television "news" presents snippets of events without context, presented in an entertaining format. Every Network is in the business of attracting an audience for the purpose of exposing them to advertising. It ultimately is in the advertising business.

Readers might enjoy Neil Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (1984).

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Judith Lichliter, 9/3/2019 1:23 PM

I seldom turn on Fox now and I was faithful to them. Another Republican Woman suggested One America News and I watch it all the time now. I am tired of the fighting and bickering on all the networks and in the papers. If I want that I can listen to the local and state Republican Women, listen to the 912 who have taken over the party, or talk with Democrats. I'll stay with OAN and listen to the President.

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laura rew, 9/4/2019 4:18 PM

I don't think President Trump is 100% correct on this. I can understand his frustration with Fox having some liberal/socialist commentators on.

How ever the L/S media attacks Fox everyday for being a far right group. I think fox is trying to have as even playing field on news reporting. That is different for the rest of the media.

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K.L. Shillock , 9/5/2019 10:56 PM

Ladies, aren't these comments showing a little basic confusion? What is your definition of " News?" In the best tradition, it's an unbiased reporting so you the viewer/reader can assess it and make up your own mind. Granted a bit hard to find "unbiased"" these days but does one settle for hearing/seeing just one side......either the right or the left? Do you really ONLY want to hear what feeds your own view-point? Reality is libel to bite you in the you know where! I, too, feel this comment by the Pres. was ill-advised, unnecessary and not a step toward any positive basic news reporting.

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Leslie Key, 9/8/2019 7:32 PM

In my opinion, a news network should not be “working for” either the Democrats or the Republicans, either the liberals or the conservatives. They should present the news as facts, in an accurate and unbiased manner. Unfortunately, highly biased so-called “news” networks like CNN and MSNBC do not present the news in an unbiased manner. They deliberately misquote, the get their “news” from UNNAMED sources without any verifiable second sources, and they deliberately avoid reporting any news that does not support their liberal political agenda. In other words, they are a JOKE as far as being unbiased news networks. They are completely biased in the way they report the “news.” CNN and MSNBC’s opinion shows rarely give the conservative point of view. They only have guests who spout opinions that support their liberal point of view. FOX News does present fair and accurate, substantiated news stories. Their opinion programs do have guests who present BOTH sides of the political spectrum, as they SHOULD. American viewers SHOULD be able to listen to BOTH sides of a political argument, and then make up their minds after listening to both sides. We should not have political programs that only present one political point of view. That is why FOX is called “fair and balanced.” You may not like what Juan Williams or Donna Brazille have to say on “The Five” program, but it is important to also present the liberal point of view to the American people. The FOX News program “Special Report” with Bret Baier, has an opinion panel of guests who represent BOTH sides of the political spectrum. That is how it should be. The “FOX News Sunday” program with Chris Wallace also has an opinion panel of guests from both sides of the political spectrum. That is how it should be. President Trump should not expect any fair and balanced news network to “work for” conservatives or Republicans.

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hotels, 6/23/2020 11:15 AM

Definitely no! His statements are trash.

Avatar image, 6/24/2020 2:28 PM

Thanks for this!

Avatar image, 7/14/2020 9:49 AM

It's not trash at all. Well, we have our own qualities. In my perspective, it's nice and interesting. Thanks for sharing this.

Avatar image, 7/14/2020 10:19 AM

I think I am neutral here. There are some points of Pres. Trump criticism. And some news on Fox News are facts as we say. Thanks for posting this question. I read a lot on the comments section also.

Avatar image, 7/15/2020 2:36 PM

Why would he even think of that? He is a joke.

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call, 7/15/2020 2:39 PM

I really don't know what this man is thinking. He always amazes me at some point.

Avatar image, 7/20/2020 9:27 PM

He always amazes me at some point. Thanks for this!

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