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Week of May 22, 2023

Week of May 22, 2023
Posted: May 18, 2023
Categories: Poll Questions
Comments: 20

Topic: International Agency to Regulate Artificial Intelligence

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Do you support the creation of an international agency to regulate artificial intelligence?

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20 comments on article "Week of May 22, 2023"

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Peggy Smetana, 5/19/2023 10:58 AM

NO INTERNATIONAL agency. We do not want to be governed by an international agency.

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Pat Earnest, 5/19/2023 11:04 AM

AI is coming from other countries so joining with an international agency would be feeding into those who are desiring to harm America with this. I do not trust this administration to do anything to help us, only harm us.

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Mary M Miller, 5/19/2023 11:14 AM

Not international, too many "hands". Each country should regulate as it feels necessary. Too many contries would want to "run" things and shut out the smaller countries. Plus, the idea of ONE country being incharge is a bad idea. That is what some contries would want.

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Suzanne Cavanaugh, 5/19/2023 3:32 PM

I don't support international anything. Anything like that should be at the national level only!!

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Barbara Green, 5/19/2023 4:26 PM

I am unable to trust any agency, national or global, to keep me safe and free. If there was a sitting President fighting for our freedoms and rights, then absolutely!

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Carol Pociecha-Palm, 5/22/2023 5:13 AM

I believe AI needs to be reigned in. But I don’t necessarily trust that whatever agency is created will do its job properly. It depends on the character and wisdom of the individuals who create and who participate in the organization. On a local level, we need to begin to educate people about AI technology. Within organizations and educationa settings, there must be policies and guidelines set in place. This process needs to start sooner raher than later..


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Fran Freedle, 5/22/2023 9:20 PM

Judging by the failure of other international efforts, I have no confidence that another would help. What would help is to have an existing agency take on monitoring AI and Congress setting standards to follow - not bureaucrats.

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Dr Constance Jones, 5/23/2023 8:58 AM

AI & an associated follow thru - given that AI is a researched & developed interest - mostly within professional strata, it is key to warrant an extensive follow thru before any implementation - a research lab/company approach might do well within assessing all AI projects & outcome - a full organizational structure might pull in too much of the economic resources provided for other outcomes..Dr CCJones, NFRW Capitol Regent

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Carolyn Williams, 5/23/2023 5:09 PM

The creators of ChatGPT say AI could surpass humanity in most domains within the next 10 years as "superintelligence" becomes more powerful than any technology the world has seen.

Currently there are a lack of rules in place to watch over the ongoing development of AI. This does not bode well for us. Even though there are great application uses for AI, we still need some controls such as audits and safety measures and tests. That means some government oversight and maybe legislation will need to happen.

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sarahhayes, 5/29/2023 12:49 AM

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pizza tower, 5/29/2023 2:28 AM

Thanks for sharing

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Yvonne Gray, 5/30/2023 1:41 PM

If it hasn't been said, Why do we want an Artificial Intelligence International Agency to tell us, at the local level: how, what, and where to live our lives?

The idea of an "International" should give us pause; because the greater the distance from the community you live in, the less accountability you have to voice your desires.

NO, I'm not for Artificial Intelligence International Agency!

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Brenda, 6/13/2023 3:57 AM

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S3xon, 6/13/2023 6:17 AM

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moto x3m, 9/8/2023 6:10 AM

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quordle, 10/31/2023 12:10 AM

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