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Week of January 15, 2024

Week of January 15, 2024
Posted: Jan 11, 2024
Categories: Poll Questions
Comments: 21

Topic: Defense Secretary Austin's Resignation Over Failure to Disclose Illness, Hospitalization

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Should U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin resign due to his failure to disclose his illness and hospitalization?

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21 comments on article "Week of January 15, 2024"

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Deb M Ecklund, 1/12/2024 1:36 PM

That is only one of many reasons he should resign

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Mary Drake, 1/12/2024 2:13 PM

This is the latest reason he should resign. Knowing that he won't, he should be removed. The only fear is, who would take his place? Biden's criteria don't appear to include competency or loyalty to America. TRAGIC!!

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Amy Leahy, 1/12/2024 3:22 PM

I agree with the other commenters...he should resign because he doesn't do a good job for us.

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judy Tontz, 1/12/2024 3:28 PM

I agree with the 2 posted comments. I would like to ask the question

I agree with the 2 previous comments. I have reservations about todays Pentagon and the military representatives I see there. Who are the General Patton's today in the military?

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judy Tontz, 1/12/2024 3:32 PM

I agree with the previous comments I have reservations about today's Pentagon and the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. . Is there a Patton among them?

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Jessica O'Connor, 1/12/2024 3:44 PM

I voted no because he will be gone soon enough when we elect a Republican President! The man has been a disaster for the military, but the "Commander-in-Chief" is even worse.

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Ute Edge, 1/12/2024 3:58 PM

He should be fired and courtmarshaled. Any other person in the military leaving his position without permission is AWOL..

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Mary Anne Lauer, 1/12/2024 5:55 PM

He is an embarrassment. His illness could have been kept private but the fact that he was hospitalized should have been made known and his responsibilities should have been passed on to someone else. Although, who among them is more responsible?

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Jan Burch, 1/12/2024 6:28 PM

I understand why Secretary Austin would not have wanted his reasons for hospitalization to be broadcast throughout the country. However, there is no excuse for him to be hospitalized without the President's knowledge. His diagnosis need not be advertised.

When it comes to removing him because of this incident, I do not know.; we don't have enough information to make that decision. With Biden's cognitive issues, It is entirely possible that General Austin notified Biden and Biden forgot all about it.

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Rae Stein, 1/12/2024 9:35 PM

It was stated he knew on December 1st that he had cancer. That was the day he should have told the President. So he kept it from him for over a month. Complete dereliction of duty.

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Carol [Florida], 1/13/2024 9:17 AM

Related news stories

"DEFENSE SECRETARY HID HOSPITALIZATION FOR DAYS: The White House and the Pentagon claimed they were unaware for several days that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized following surgery for prostate cancer, creating a national security crisis. Former special forces helicopter operator L. Todd Wood responded, “I don’t believe the Biden administration. I think they knew full well the health problems of the SecDef. They didn’t tell the public because Austin is integral to implementing the regime’s nefarious, treasonous priorities, and keeping the illegitimate Biden regime in power. Austin has been the lynchpin to forcing our troops to digest the odious, Marxist instruction of DEI, CRT.”" Source AGENDAWEEKLY.COM


In related news, white recruits for the U.S. Army dropped to 25,070 in 2023 from 44,002 in 2018. Also, Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) criticized Austin and Biden for refusing to mention American hostages still held by Hamas. Scott said, “Why don’t we have a president that cares about the hostages that Hamas is holding right now? He never talks about them. And what’s Austin doing to get American hostages back?” Source AGENDAWEEKLY.COM



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J. Penn Elliott, 1/13/2024 5:17 PM

His actions indicate a failure to understand the critical responsibilities of his position, a failure to follow the protocols for delegating his authority, a failure to communicate to his boss and prepare his second-in-command. It implies arrogance, ignorance and a disregard for the administration, the military and the American public and I can hear Xi Jin Ping, the Iranians and Putin laughing out loud.

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Carolyn Webb, 1/14/2024 11:47 PM

He is still stick and should resign.

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Mei Moss, 1/15/2024 10:15 PM

wasn't qualified in the beginning........

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Robert Brown, 1/16/2024 9:27 PM

Yes. Resign immediately. If he doesn't resign, Biden should replace him. If Biden doesn't replace him they both should be impeached and removed from office.

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