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Should parents be required to approve app downloads for children under 16 years of age?
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Lucile Summerlin, 2/23/2024 4:43 PM
I don't think it's the government's place to tell parents how to raise their kids. Unfortunately, many kids don't have proper parenting. I am age 76, so things have changed. First of all, kids don't "need" phones, etc., but unfortunately today's society is different than mine.
Jennifer Kranzman, 2/23/2024 5:32 PM
Yes. Kids will not realize when they are being preyed upon, taken advanced of, groomed etc, etc. Soon they may send these kids candy laced with fentanyl. Like Andy Taylor the Sheriff explained," Kids like shiny things". There is nothing wrong with parents being held accountable for their children's safety. Social media is no longer a safe place for young children.
Penney Howe, 2/23/2024 6:03 PM
I do not like government involved in this issue, but our children are at risk. AS a retiree from the Michigan Department of Corrections that spent the last 6 years of my career supervising sex offenders, the internet is a prime method of targeting children! Every parent needs to watch what their children are doing on the internet as perps are very good at grooming without their victims even knowing how it happened.
Carol Hart, 2/23/2024 10:20 PM
This discipline should be started early in children with cell phones to instill
compliance. By the time they're teens you'll be in for a fight. Sitting down with them and going over their options is helpful but still not easy. My grandkids wouldn't give in by the time they were 13. It was always a fight.
Carol [Florida], 2/24/2024 7:12 AM
Watch : Indoctrinating Our Children to Death with Alex Newman
Curtis interviews Alex Newman about his new book. They get into the 200 year history of the Left’s quest to control the hearts, minds, and souls of our young people. Building on over a decade of research and investigative reporting into the indoctrination, sexualization, and dumbing down of children, Alex Newman documents the untold history behind government education and its founders like nobody has ever done before. Among other bombshells, the book proves that the system is not "broken," but is working well when considering the goals of its architects. These goals included turning Americans away from God, fundamentally transforming the nation away from its constitutional foundations, and more.
Links to get a copy of this very important book.
Drift Boss, 3/3/2024 10:34 PM
Drift Boss
google, 3/6/2024 2:29 AM
I disagree that the government should advise parents on how to raise their children.
minhee, 3/6/2024 2:29 AM
I don't believe that parents google should be told how to raise their children by the government.
tiny fishing, 3/7/2024 9:40 PM
Every parent needs to monitor what their children are doing on the Internet because criminals are very good at grooming and their victims may not even realize how it happened.
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