Slate of Officers, 2024-2025
In accordance with the NFRW Bylaws [Article VII, Sec. 1], the 2023 Nominating Committee, elected by the NFRW Board of Directors, has nominated the following Slate of Officers to serve the National Federation of Republican Women for the 2024-2025 term:
Delegates to the 42nd Biennial Convention will elect NFRW’s national officers for the 2024-2025 term.
Special thanks to the 2023 Nominating Committee:
Dee Drewry, Washington, Chair
Janis Holt, Texas, Secretary
Karen Evans, West Virginia
Toni Gilhooley, Pennsylvania
Noriko Kowalewski, New Jersey
Maria Sofia, Maryland
Sharon Stuthard, Arkansas
Lyn Bliss, Ohio, 1st Alternate
Lorie Legere, Oklahoma, 2nd Alternate
>> OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: NFRW Slate of Officers for 2024-25 Announced